The place of the commission of the crime as a basic principle for the attribution of jurisdiction in Spain. Criminal lawyers in Marbella will inform you.
By Welex, your criminal defence lawyers in Marbella and multilingual barristers in Spain
Of all the investigating courts in Spain, how do you determine which one is competent to investigate a case in a judicial district? This is known as territorial jurisdiction. In these lines we will address the so-called forum comissi delicti, or place of commission of the crime as a basic principle for the attribution of jurisdiction.
Thus, the investigating judge of the place where the offence is committed will be competent to investigate the offence. However, the apparent transparency of this principle of attribution of jurisdiction is not without conflict situations, such as continuous crimes, those committed simultaneously in several places and those committed by the media.
At our criminal defence law firm in Spain you will find multilingual barristers in Marbella who speak your own language